Tuesday Shoesday: Floral Mary Janes

I’m sad to report I’m not feeling any better about life 😦 But I’m going to be writing a REALLY heavy post on what’s bugging me over on my nutrition/healthy living blog, so stay tuned for that. Until then, I’ll be moping around, holding back tears, trying to keep my  head up. Oh, and I’ll also be scouring Pinterest for happy, pretty things that I hope will improve my sadness. And, great news, I found a pair of gorgeous mary janes that have me, temporaily, forgetting my woes.

Sadly, as all good things are, they were found on Tumblr and I can’t locate their orgin. ANYONE, if you can hear me, please help me find these. I’m sure I can’t afford them but knowing that they exist on some online retail store makes my heart just a little happier. Because, God willing, I will find a way to own them.

What goes better with vintage, floral mary janes than a tea length lace gown with a silk floral sash? Absolutely nothing, I’ll argue.

[photo via Love My Dress]

When I close my eyes and image my perfect day, I’m in this outfit. Strolling around the streets of London, window shopping while twirling my perfectly vintage Burberry umbrella, laughing with a girlfriend as we stroll to a late, afternoon lunch.

Even if, just for an instant, my spirits are instantly lifted.


Filed under Bridal wear, Tuesday Shoesday

4 responses to “Tuesday Shoesday: Floral Mary Janes

  1. Alicia

    LOVE those shoes! Are you hating your new day job?

  2. What a lovely dress and photograph.

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